Saturday, November 13, 2010

Irish Moiled Cattle

Sweetheart calved last Monday morning, a lovely heifer calf. This really is a stroke of luck because firstly heifers are what we want, and secondly she is by our previous bull and is completely unrelated to our current bull Damhead McCabe. (but I'm getting slightly ahead of myself! She has a long way to go before that.)
Moile calves are quite small initially, making them relatively easy to calve. But their mothers have plenty of milk, so they grow on very quickly!
Only four days old and very photogenic, particularly without her ear tags.
By law she has to be tagged within 20 days of birth and then registered with The Department of Agriculture
We haven't come up with a name for her yet, any ideas?
She is out of Springfield Sweetheart and by Glassdrummond Iceberg.

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