After eight Irish Draught foals, and about ten years since she was broken, Derrynagarra Clorin is back under saddle. It's early days yet, but we are both really enjoying it.
I don't remember it being such a long way down from 17 hands, or indeed up for that matter! And so we have ordered a mounting block, and Christopher has made a start putting riding latchs on some of the gates as you will see later.

We decided not to put either of the mares back in foal this year as the market is so flat, so Clorin and I thought it would be a good chance to get fitter!

not as graceful as I might be!

'Super Clorin' surveying the surroundings

Off up the drive

Checking the lambs as we go

the new gate latch makes exit much easier

A blustery saturday afternoon, but we are very happy to be out and about again.
Well done, you both look wonderful!