The improved weather means that grass is starting to grow and the sheep are lambing in warm sunshine, an ideal start for young lambs. Long may it continue.

Any ewe that has lambed is brought inside to an individual pen where she can bond properly with her lambs. This means that I can check her for milk and ensure that her lambs get adequate amounts of colostrum. We also spray the lambs navel with an iodine solution to help it dry up quickly.

A warm bed on a cold morning
After about 24 hours inside the ewes and lambs go out to fresh grass. We always put numbers on so that we know which lambs go with which ewes, if there is a mix up or if something goes wrong.
Who ever said sheep are stupid? The above photo is not an uncommon sight, especially on a cold morning or, if it is very windy, you will often find lambs tucked in tight against the leeward side of their mother, warm as toast and completely sheltered.
Right, it's 11pm and time for some shut-eye before the 3 o'clock alarm.
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