Beef from Joe Brady of Lough Owel Organic Farm
Smoked Mackerel from John Rogan of Rogan's Real Smoked Fish. Tel: 043 76264
Gouda from Mary & Gerry Kelly of Moonshine Organic Cheese
Salad from Kevin Harmon (Castlepollard on Fridays, and Mullingar Farmers Market)
Breads from 'Just Baked' 29 Pearse St. Mullingar
All served with a delicious glass of Prosecco from Wines Direct in Mullingar
The Tasting Plates looked really well going out and we served over 70 music goers!
We were very fortunate with the weather, and everyone was able to sit outside and enjoy the atmosphere.
The music got underway later in the evening.
The courtyard or castle keep to the rear of Hilltown House made a fantastic venue for the whole event.
Looks delicious! Good that your'e getting some carbs and veg into the slow food mix - it was a bit protein heavy there for a while! Ballinagore records perhaps worth exploring too?